Become a Colorectal Cancer Crusader

Become a Colorectal Cancer Crusader

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and we want to share with you how to Become a Colorectal Cancer Crusader.

As is the case with any cancer, the stats on colorectal cancer are grim. It is the 3rd most common type of cancer and causes the 2nd highest number of deaths. Over 50,000 people die each year from Colorectal Cancer.

However, unlike other types of cancer, colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable. There are multiple screening choices that make early detection likely. And available treatment options can be highly effective. When it comes to fighting cancer, this combination is the best we can hope for.

So, what can you do to Become a Colorectal Cancer Crusader? Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care, P.C. has some suggestions.

Get the Word Out

We understand that talking about cancer can be a delicate situation, especially when it concerns a private part of the body. But find the best way to talk with your friends, family, and coworkers about the importance of early screening. This is our best possible chance for preventing deaths from colorectal cancer. Instances increase with age, so routine checks become more important after the age of 50. Here is a link to determine which screening would work best for you.

Get a Group Together

Whether it’s for some healthy activity or an awareness event, the impact of a group approach is powerful. Plan a walk or yoga in the park for your family or friends. A healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to keep cancer at bay. Or create an event at your office to raise awareness and remind your coworkers to get screened.

Get Some Help

Should you or someone you know get a colorectal cancer diagnosis, we are here to help. We offer evaluation, treatment, and management of colorectal cancer. Providing quality care and being a part of your healing team is what we do best.

So, this month Become a Colorectal Cancer Crusader. And if we can be of any help, please do not hesitate to contact us and setup your appointment with our very own Dr Victor Vigil – (505) 559-4495