Category Archives: WCSC Latest Highlights

Stand Up To Cancer Day


STAND UP TO CANCER DAY – SEP. 8 STAND UP TO CANCER DAY honors those who have been affected by cancer. STAND UP TO CANCER DAY was started in 2007. Every year on the second Friday in September, Stand Up To Cancer Day helps bring awareness. It also raises funds for Cancer research. Learn how you […]

Genetic Testing in New Mexico

genetic-testing in New Mexico, Texas, Mexico, Southern Colorado National STEM Day

Genetic Testing in New Mexico can help estimate your chance of developing cancer in your lifetime. It does this by searching for specific changes in your genes, chromosomes, or proteins. These changes are called mutations. Genetic Testing in New Mexico is available for breast, ovarian, colon, thyroid, and some other cancers. Genetic testing may help: […]

What to Expect After a Hysterectomy

cancer treatment new mexico

What should you expect after a hysterectomy? For some, it is a relief of symptoms that caused them to have a hysterectomy. Symptoms such as bleeding, pelvic pain or bloating may disappear. But, if you have the ovaries removed, you may have more to expect. Menopause: If you haven’t gone through menopause before your hysterectomy, you […]

Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: A doctor will carry out a vaginal examination and check for any visible abnormalities in the uterus or ovaries. They will also check the patient’s medical history and family history. Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: After a diagnosis of ovarian cancer, the doctor will want to identify its stage and […]

Warning Signs Of Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial Cancer

Prevention and screening are important when dealing with Endometrial Cancer. The lining of your uterus, your endometrium, is like a garden bed where a pregnancy can be planted. But other things sometimes grow there, too—including cancerous cells. Endometrial cancer affects more than 635,000 women in the US, but there’s no standard screening test designed to catch […]

Fighting Cancer Together

Fighting Cancer Together in New Mexico

You are not alone. Here at Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care we are fighting cancer together! A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming between deciding on treatment, figuring out finances, and dealing with fear and emotional concerns. Your health care team, friends & loved ones are fighting cancer together with you.   As you begin your cancer […]

Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care, P.C.

Dr Joel Webb

Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care, P.C. , proudly was again a sponsor  on an event organized by The Gynecological Cancer Awareness Project and TeleMundo. “Celebrando con Alegría” or “Celebrate with Joy” was a benefit concert featuring the world-renowned guitar player and composer Gustavo Pimentel with many orchestral musicians leaded by conductor Gabriel Gordon and a […]