Much has been done to detect, treat, and assist in Cervical Cancer Prevention in the past 50 years. But there is still more to do.
In preparation for January being Cervical Cancer Awareness month, we wanted to give an update on how science has progressed in their research on Cervical Cancer. When it comes to cancer there is not always good news to share. In the case of Cervical Cancer, however, there is some. Since the introduction of the routine Pap Test, deaths from Cervical Cancer have decreased 70%. When this preventative care option was introduced in the 1940’s, Cervical Cancer was the leading cause of death for women. It is now considered a highly preventable and treatable form of cancer. Detection was, and is, the vital component in the decrease of deaths.
Another major advancement in the fight against Cervical Cancer has been the discovery of its cause, the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Unlike other cancers, doctors now know how most cases of Cervical Cancer form (that is, repeated infections from HPV). With this knowledge, a vaccine could be created to help prevent future cases of the disease. The FDA approved the first vaccine in 2006, and now there are three different vaccines (each targeting a different type of HPV). These vaccines are suggested for girls and boys, since both sexes can be carriers of the virus. Prevention is the next important component in the campaign against Cervical Cancer.
All of this is wonderfully positive news for the fight against Cervical Cancer. What was once a tragic sentence now has hope for eradication. Research continues and Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care, P.C. will keep up to date with any new findings; implementing the most recent suggestions into the care we provide. We always hope that you won’t need treatment for any type of women’s cancer. But, if you do, we are here to provide the best care possible.