Most of our doctors at Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care, P.C. have multiple Oncology Gynecology Specializations.
Unfortunately, we live in a world that requires multiple cancer treatment specialties. Of course no single type is more important than any other, but when doctors specialize in a specific type of oncology gynecology care that becomes their sole focus.
The doctors at Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care, P.C. (Luis Padilla-Pa, M.D., Joel Webb, M.D. and Marco Duarte, M.D.) have devoted their practice to the detection and treatment of the cancers that target women specifically, including:
uterine cancer
vaginal cancer
cervical cancer
vulvar cancer
Dr Luis A. Padilla, Dr Joel C. Webb, Dr. Victor V. Vigil, and Dr. Marco Duarte have extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of these cancers, providing care for patients all over the Southwest and New Mexico.
Specialization in any field of medicine requires the commitment to keeping current on numerous factors of care, such as the:
Latest research
Most recent technologies
Scope of the problem/population affected
Changing medical guidelines/best practices/and legislation
Our team will always be hoping and wishing for there to be an end to cancer. But until that time comes, Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care, P.C will be your partner in the battle against it. There is a wealth of helpful information under the Patient Resources tab of our webpage, but never hesitate to contact us directly with any questions and concerns.