What to Say to a Cancer Patient

What to say to a cancer patient

Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say to a cancer patient. You might feel pressured to try to come up with the perfect thing to say, but it’s okay not knowing. Being open and honest about not knowing what to say is important as well.

Are struggling with what to say to a cancer patient that is your loved one? We have made a short list of comforting things you can say to help guide you:

“I’ll ride the waves with you ’til the storm calms” – This lets your loved one know they can count on you which is a very powerful statement.

“Let me help you with… (making dinner, housework, etc.)” – Knowing you have someone taking the burden of day-to-day tasks can ease the mind of your loved ones that those things are taken care of. Offering to help with something specific is more helpful because you are not putting pressure on your loved one.

Asking about other things going on in your loved one’s life. – Sometimes having a “normal” conversation will make a big impact on their overall mental health. Some patients feel as though family and friends feel like the only thing they should talk about is their diagnosis.

“Where can I find more info?” – This shows a general interest to learn and understand what your loved one is going through. You can find some helpful resources here.

As always, our team at Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care are not only here for our patients, but we’re also here for the family and friends that have questions that need answering. Check out our website or contact us for any additional information you may need.