Tag Archives: side effect

Low White Blood Cells

Cancer Center New Mexico
LOW WHITE BLOOD CELLS White Blood Cells: There are three main types of cells in your blood: white cells, red cells and platelets. White blood cells help your body to fight infections. When there are not enough white blood cells in the blood, you may be at risk of getting an infection more easily, or [...]

Hand-Foot Syndrome

Cancer Center Albuquerque

HAND-FOOT SYNDROME Hand-Foot syndrome: Hand-Foot Syndrome, which is also known as Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysesthesia – PPE, is a side effect, which can occur with some chemotherapy. For example, Capecitabine (Xeloda®), 5-Fluorouracil (5FU), continuous-infusion of Doxorubicin, Liposomal Doxorubicin (Caelyx®), Sunitinib (Sutent®) and Sorafenib (Nexavar®) can cause this reaction in some patients. This syndrome is characterized by redness, […]

Hair Loss

Cancer Center New Mexico

Hair Loss during chemotherapy: Not all chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss, but the ones that do are fairly predictable. If your doctor has told you to expect hair loss, this is what usually happens: One and a half weeks after your first treatment, your scalp may become tender. Some people don’t feel this at all, […]