National Family Caregivers Month

National Family Caregivers Month

During the month of November, we honor and thank our support team that are in homes during National Family Caregivers Month.

At Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care our patients have always been our first priority. From diagnosis to treatment to follow up, our goal is to always have our patients feel as though they are of the greatest importance, because, quite simply, they are. While we deliver the best care during their office visits, we know that when they go home their family/friend support team is of the utmost importance.

November is designated as National Family Caregivers Month, and we didn’t want to let the month pass without expressing our gratitude for the tireless efforts of those that support our patients when we can’t. To the people that are up in the night providing care and support; To those that adjust their schedules during the day to be with the patient at appointments; And to those that join us in praying and hoping for a cure, we THANK YOU!

Caring for someone with cancer can take a toll both mentally and physically on the caregiver. It’s vitally important that caregivers not forget to care for themselves, even when the demand for care is 24/7. The American Cancer Society and the Caregiver Action Network both offer helpful suggestions and support ideas for those in the caregiver position.

We know how crucial a quality support team is for someone battling cancer. Women’s Cancer and Surgical Care is proud to be a part of any team working to heal someone of this terrible disease. If we can help in any way, please never hesitate to contact us.